Pamela Veller Crochet

crochet patterns you will want to finish



Once you have purchased one of my patterns, you may sell the finished item. Typically, patterns are for one-to-one individual use or gifting to another, not for bulk resale.

If you decide to resale in bulk, please contact me. As a courtesy, please clearly credit the Pattern Design to me, Pamela’s Patterns or Pamela Veller Crochet, and provide a link to my website or shop. Pamela’s Patterns and Pamela Veller Crochet is covered under ©Copyright Law.

Do not use my photos when selling your work as this can be misleading for your potential customers. Do not sell, reproduce or distribute my patterns in any manner or format.


can you have too many crochet patterns?

"I won't create anything - you can't wait, fingers itch, you dream about finishing!"

P. Veller - Crochet Designer

Copyright © 2010-2025 Pamela Veller Crochet and Pamelas Patterns. 
All rights reserved.