You know its in there!

I have a whole bin of Scratchy Yarn!

Often, I pick up yes “scratchy yarn” at garage and thrift stores super cheap, but I also buy a lot of it myself at the larger stores because it is economical (cheaper!) and I had a great idea and it was a color I loved and because I crochet my own designs and because I just had to have it, okay?

Then I get busy and forget to make whatever it was and I look in that bin and think to myself – I really don’t want to crochet it for one reason – SCRATCHY!

So, when I was told about how-to-soften-up-scratchy-yarn, my ears perked up. I thought no-way! Is that really possible? It is! You won’t believe how easy it really is (if you don’t believe me do some research on-line! Better yet TRY IT).

  • Get a laundry bag, old panty hose or even a pillow case.

  • Get that yarn together (make sure its not the runny color kind – disclaimer here Read the Labels to make sure they won’t color run or felt!).

  • Take the wrappers off, using your fingers give each skein of yarn a bit of a massage.

  • Place the 3-4 yarn skeins into the bag.

  • Put the bag into the wash with stuff like towels that will swish the yarn-bag around a bit.

  • Transfer the bag of yarn-bag to the dryer with your wash load on medium heat to dry.

  • You can even put your label wrappers back on if you want.

Yippee you’ve got soft(er) yarn! And, why can’t the manufacturer do this before they put it on the store shelves? Things that make you go “hmmm”.

